Payap Presents: Dr Tom Scovel
Experiences of a Linguistic Scholar in Asia, The Year China Changed

When January 22nd 2020, 10:00am- 11:45am
Where Veera Kidajathorn Hall (Library)
We are pleased to welcome back TO DELIVER A KEY NOTE LECTURE ON HIS CAREER EXPERIENCES, a notable figure with strong connections to Payap University, Dr. Tom Scovel. Dr. Tom Scovel is a professor at San Francisco State University, where he teaches courses as diverse as ESL Grammar and Psycholinguistics. Dr Scovel was born and raised in China and attended high school in India before going to the United States for his university education. His research and teaching interests focus largely on language pedagogy, psycholinguistics, and second language acquisition, and he has published and spoken widely in these areas, including multiple books drawing on his experience in Asia. Dr. Scovel enjoys Most being with his grandchildren and training for triathlons |
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