Fundraising Resource Center (FRC)
Payap University has joined the Foundation Center’s network of more than 380 Cooperating Collections across the United States of America (and more recently, internationally). The Payap University Fundraising Resource Center (FRC) -the first in Thailand- is available to grantseekers at no cost. We provide access to The Foundation Directory Online, the leading grantseeking database on the web, along with a core collection of Foundation Center directories and publications. The Payap FRC also provides a wide selection of supplementary materials and services, which are most useful to grantseekers. Additionally, we offer educational sessions for the public, including classes on the basics of grantseeking and dialogues with local donors. Finally, the Payap FRC serves as hosts for the Center’s fee-based, full-day grantseeker training courses.
As the first and only Cooperating Collections in Thailand, Payap’s Fundraising Resource Center aims to ensure that grantseekers across northern Thailand and beyond have access to high-quality resources and expertise, enabling them to attract and sustain support for their organizations. An important objective of the Payap FRC is to provide help to under-resourced agencies that deliver services to underserved populations throughout Thailand. The Payap FRC is committed to work with the Foundation Center USA to reach organizations and individuals in Thailand whose needs are not already being met.
Payap FRC information:
- Location: On the second floor of the Payap University Central Library (or Sirindhorn Learning Resource Center) located at the center of the main campus.
- Hours of operation: Open to the public, without restriction, between the hours of 0900-1200 and 1300-1600, Monday to Friday. The Payap FRC will be closed on all school holidays and weekends.
- Equipment availability: Two computers connected to the Internet are available for public use.
- Staff: The Payap FRC will be staffed with knowledgeable personnel who will be able to answer questions related to the use of FRC resources.
- Training: Training sessions for grantseekers will be announced periodically. Contact the Payap FRC staff for more details.
- Contact information:
- Phone: 053-241-255 (ext. 7450)
- Fax: 053-851-030
- E-mail:
For more information about the Foundation Center USA, please visit their homepage at: