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  • Help for U.S. citizens to register to vote - Help for U.S. citizens to register to vote The Payap Human Rights Law Center is available to help U.S. citizens register to vote and to offer assistance with the voting process. Join us – with special guest IC alum Andre Scott – this week for a voter assistance clinic:Wednesday, 26 August 2:30-5:00 p.m.Payap University, Pentecost Continue reading
  • #prayforwuhan - #prayforwuhan Special Service Wednesday 12th February 2020 Luce Chapel: 1100-1200 There will be an English, Chinese and Thai service carried out by a range of speakers of all faiths and nationalities in recognition of those affected by the Corona virus Crisis and recent events within Thailand. #prayforwuhan is the primary concern but it is open to Continue reading
  • Sustainable Tourism Workshop - Sustainable Tourism Workshop Wednesday 12th February 2020 09.00 – 16:00 at the TOURIST Competence Center, Center for Social Impact, Payap University Time Program 9.00 – 9.15 Registration 9.15 – 9.30 TOURIST Project IntroductionAjarn Michael Meallem 9.30 – 10.30 Introduction to Sustainable DevelopmentAjarn Chawan Maleehom 10.30 -10.45 Networking Break 10.45 – 11.45 Introduction to Community- based Continue reading
  • PAYAP PRESENTS: DR TOM SCOVEL, Experiences of a Linguistic Scholar in Asia, The Year China Changed - Payap Presents: Dr Tom Scovel Experiences of a Linguistic Scholar in Asia, The Year China Changed When January 22nd 2020, 10:00am- 11:45am Where Veera Kidajathorn Hall (Library) AN INTRODUCTION: DR TOM SCOVEL We are pleased to welcome back TO DELIVER A KEY NOTE LECTURE ON HIS CAREER EXPERIENCES, a notable figure with strong connections to Continue reading
  • “What is Culture made of? Bacteria, Gene, Brain and what more?” - “What is Culture made of? Bacteria, Gene, Brain and what more?” Dr. Mai Phuong-Mai Nguyen An incredible opportunity for anyone wanting to learn the latest insights of how global management and intercultural communication is impacted by the most recent discoveries from biology in the areas of genetics and neuroscience.  Dr. Mai is not only one Continue reading
  • Semester at Payap University - International Semester Abroad Program This semester abroad program provides an opportunity for American students to explore Thailand and experience a slice of Southeast Asia We offer not just a strong academic program at a beautiful campus, but we also provide dynamic opportunities for fun and exploration Modern shopping malls, restaurants and coffee shops welcome you. Continue reading
  • Asia Social Innovation Award 2020 - Asia Social Innovation Award 2020 Break Grounds, Build Change, Birth Hope! Asia Social Innovation Award 2020 “New Urban” is now calling for groundbreaking ideas that transform social and environmental challenges into a positive force for urban growth. Join the 4-day impact programme in Hong Kong including a pitching competition, holistic entrepreneurship development, mentorship and networking Continue reading
  • HACKATHON 2019: A Hackathon for Mission - HACKATHON 2019: A Hackathon for Mission see @ PAYAP UNIVERSITY October 4-6, 2019 Indigitous, DigiServe INDIGITOUS #HACK is back in Chiang Mai! Are you ready to have fun and fellowship with people who are passionate to use their knowledge and skills to bless others? Schedule: Friday 6:00 pm -10:00 pm (Dinner provided) Saturday 8:30 Continue reading