Truly International

Truly International

Why is the International College at Payap “Truly International”?

  • The International College in Chiang Mai, Thailand hosts a full range of undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs specifically designed for international students all under the one roof.
  • This attracts international students from all around the world and Thai students with exceptional English skills.
  • The International College benefits from being on the main Mae Khao campus in Chiang Mai, to share all the great facilities with the other Thai faculties. This allows for cross-cultural exchange and shared student-led activities.
  • Payap University’s International College started its Bachelor’s Degree program in 2003 and as such has had over a decade of experience teaching an international curriculum and building a strong international team of faculty and support staff.
  • Official recognised by the United States government Department of Education (DOE), as a deferment-only institution.
  • Degree programs approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) of the United States of America for eligible American veterans through the American Veterans VA Program.


The International College has fully qualified lecturers with international experience from a wide range of countries including; Australia, Britain, Canada, Germany, Korea, Ireland, Japan, Thailand and the USA.


The students that attend the International College come from all across the globe representing 30 countries including; Japan, Korea, Myanmar, Bhutan, Vietnam, Jamaica, Brazil, Sweden, USA, Germany, Turkey, USA.