International Peace Day @ Payap 2016
Join in the International Day of Peace at Payap university on Wednesday 21st Sept.
The Institute of Religion Culture and Peace is hosting 2 events:
1. Peacebuilding workshop from 1-5pm (Pentecost Building)
2. Peace Day Concert from 6-8:30pm (Judges Auditorium)
For more details visit:
Peacebuilding Workshop:
This workshop will explore the roots of the UN’s International Peace Day and the significance of this day for our world today. The workshop will be led by Mr. Qamaruzzaman Amir who is a Peace & Conflict trainer and a PhD student at Payap University.
Location: Pentecost Building 4th floor rooms 419/420.
Peace Day Concert:
Peace must be celebrated if it is to take root in our communities. The International Day of Peace 2016 Concert will feature Mr. Anthony Brown, a world renown musician who has dedicated his life to promoting peace and global citizenship. The concert will also feature the Payap University Jazz Band. These events are open to the public.
Location: Judges Auditorium
Contact for tickets
Cost: 200THB